The struggles and triumphs of being a Navy wife while still being a sane mother.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in Review!

This year has been a very interesting one indeed! It has had some very high highs and some very low lows. We started the year off with Caden getting very sick and having to spend two days in the hospital. Caden turned three and we welcomed Ashton into our family. We made several visits to Texas and had several visits from family. We had many family fun days and really enjoyed being a family of four. Nick and I celebrated our five year wedding anniversary. Caden started his first year of preschool and we got involved in a church, where I was Baptized. We made some really good friends this year. We remained relatively healthy and still trying to figure out some issues with Caden. Ashton continued to grow and do something new every day. He is so cute and loves doing anything his brother does. He is our little dare devil but still loves snuggle time. Caden has went from being a toddler to a little boy before our eyes. He comes up with the funniest things and is about the most routine boy there is. He has the cutest smile and still loves to let me snuggle him like a baby, which I know will soon be gone. Nick has had some of the biggest changes. He left the position he had for three years, went to a training school, and now on to sea duty in a new state. Nick has really stepped up to the plate of fatherhood this year. He was able to witness his first birth with Ashton, and survived (barely!). He has worked hard with college and bettering our family. He has tried hard to give us time, when generally there aren't enough hours in the day for us. I love all three of my boys more than anything else, and cannot imagine life without them. As for me, I have just learned how to be a mom of two boys. I made it through a perfect birthing experience and bounced back to my pre-pregnancy weight although my hips haven't gotten the message. I have tried to stop stressing as much, some days are better than others. Tried to be a better person and do unto others how I want to be treated, although it too can be hard somedays. I have just tried to enjoy the small things with all three boys because everything goes by so fast. This really has been one of the best years for us, I have loved almost every aspect of it. If you minus the last week of it, it was next to perfect. Bring on 2012!! Post and Carry on with the rest of your day!

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