The struggles and triumphs of being a Navy wife while still being a sane mother.

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Hard Parts. . .

I am sure I will soon have many posts similar to this given the situation. But I thought I already have enough for one, so here goes. Obviously the hardest part of being apart is being apart. I miss everything about Nick, both the good and the ever so small annoying thing. That aside, there are somethings I have noticed that are extra hard. I was doing laundry the other day and I started folding it, and there was some of Nick's clothes in the pile. I, of course, cried folding his socks. I cried going into the closet and seeing all of his empty hangers on his side. I cried going into the bathroom and looking at our toothbrush holder. It's so stupid but my toothbrush looked so lonely by itself. The bed is the worst. I could go on for hours how hard night time is. But his side of the bed being empty was too much so I now sleep on his side. Not getting to fight over the phone charger is sad to me. No one to warm my cold toes while we watch tv is hard. When I hear Nick's ringtone it is hard, the first time I cried. I could go on forever, but my eyes are officially filled with tears and I can no longer see. Post and Carry on with the rest of your day.

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