The struggles and triumphs of being a Navy wife while still being a sane mother.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Packing, Packing, Packing!!!

Once again it is time to pack up the family and make a trip to Texas for Christmas. I have become quite good at packing us quickly and efficiently with all of our road trips. Luckily many family members in Texas have babies so I don't need to pack baby essentials or toys, mainly I just need clothes. Typically I spend most of the day doing laundry and pack after the boys are asleep. Today I started earlier and had the car loaded before dark. . . A first! I was pretty proud of how much I condensed our stuff in a two suitcases. What started to take up room were presents and all of the extra bags I took. Our snacks, toys, baby food. . . they all start adding up. We also made the decision to take our new Altima since it has better gas mileage and next to no miles. Unfortunately that means we have not a lot of space and Nick and I will be taking turns sitting in the back seat. I am very excited to go home but it is also very bittersweet. When we come back to Florida, Nick will be leaving the very next day. So while I am excited to be home, I know what will always be in the back of my mind. I just hope we can enjoy ourselves in Texas and not think about the bad. Post and Carry on with the rest of your day.

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