The struggles and triumphs of being a Navy wife while still being a sane mother.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

9 Months Old!!!

I cannot believe my little Ashton Kole Evans is already 9 months old!!!  He is getting so big, so fast.  I know everyone says that but it really is true.  I really cannot imagine life without him but I do know I must had a lot more time and had to have a lot more energy.  This little daredevil keeps me on my toes 24/7!  He is constantly pulling up on something and scaring me!  We have large tile floor that I know will hurt him someway or another.  He has had a few close calls with falling, but nothing that has seriously injured him. . . yet!  Ashton absolutely loves his brother and more importantly his brother's toys the most.  Anything that involves being with Caden is his mission.  He is not too happy that our house is full of baby gates that are blocking him from Caden's playroom and the stairs.  The little stinker can climb the stairs faster than I can run to him.  He really loves to eat too.  He has discovered mommy's food plate and he believes that it is his food.  He will eat anything I give him, including lemons and pickles.  I am so glad that he isn't picky right now, but his brother was the same way at one point.  He also loves drinks.  He will find a way to get any drink or food item from you.  And he may have recently discovered sweet tea. . .  : )  He is a true southern boy!  I believe he is about 20 lbs and is in 9 month clothes.  He is wearing some 12 month clothes because I got anxious in getting out more winter clothes in my stockpile of Caden's.  He loves to say Dada but does not care to even attempt to try Mama!  : (  Every time he says Dada, Nick always says "I'm right here buddy."  This makes me extremely happy.  He walks around any piece of furniture there is and scales the walls to get places, but has not yet attempted to try walking on his own.  He hates to wear socks and shoes, so I look like parent of the year in the somewhat "Cold Florida Weather."  Ashton has three teeth and had an ear infection with every one coming in.  He still loves to throw fits when he wants something and can't have it.  He is going to be trouble in the toddler years.  I am trying to just give everyone a little taste of everything Ashton is doing and what he is like, so this has turned out to be quite random, but I think you can understand.  Post and Carry on with the rest of your day.  

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