The struggles and triumphs of being a Navy wife while still being a sane mother.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Shopping Solo!

Today was Black Friday.  I really am pretty much done with both of the boys so there was not anything that I needed to stand in line for hours waiting to get.  I also am not a big fan of shopping by myself and the thought of standing outside of Wal-Mart or any other store at midnight, pretty much scares me to pieces.  After looking through the adds yesterday we saw a few things that we wanted to check out but nothing that stood out to us.  So we decided whenever the boys were up and we got ready we would leave and check some places out.  We started off at the NEX because we thought they may have something and we had to see what the unknown would be.  Turns out we wasted our time and gas because they had nothing.  We then went on to K-Mart because they had a present for Ashton half of the price I paid for it.  I had already went and checked on their policy and they told me that I would have to re-buy the gift and take back the original one.  I thought this was ridiculous since all I wanted was a store gift card but none the less we got the same gift.  We also bought the rest of the batman accessories through Imaginex for Caden since they were buy one get one half off.  Nick went and stood in line while I distracted the boys in the car.  After an hour I was ready for Nick to leave.  Mind you this is at 11 in the morning, so I was confused, all the crazies should be at home sleeping.  Turns out he picked the "I'm going to argue every price, run out of paper, right a check line..." It was annoying.  Anyways, the boys were hungry and ready for a nap and I was disappointed.  I wanted to go to more stores and just spend the day browsing.  The boys had other plans.  So I decided that I would be brave and go shopping solo.  All I ended up going to was Wal-Mart, Target and Kohls.  I didn't really get that much of anything because we didn't need anything.  But it was nice that I got out of the house by myself and browse at my own leisure.  I still like shopping with other people better and would have preferred company than by myself but oh well.  I really need to get Ashton like Caden was, used to shopping.  There is no way while Nick is gone that I can be home-bound, I will go stir crazy.  So I need to retrain the children so I can shop!  : )  Post and Carry on with the rest of your day.

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