The struggles and triumphs of being a Navy wife while still being a sane mother.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Big Announcement!

Well after a month apart, Nick and I have decided that this is enough.  Nick is miserable living on a barge.  He has a bunk bed, and that is all of his personal space.  If he would have been in a hotel like we thought, I think he would be so much more happy.  But instead he just is awful, and I feel awful for making him be there.  So we have decided the best thing for us, if for me and the boys to move up to Washington.  Now I have no desire to live up there.  I have visited, and yes it is very pretty, I do not see myself living there.  Fortunately, it is for a short time, then the navy will be sending us somewhere else (please San Diego and not Japan!).  Nick and I love to drive around and explore, we do know how to make the best of it.  I feel like we have explored every square inch of NW FL and southern AL.  I know people that don't even leave the county here, much less the state.  We love to find hidden treasures and things to do.  We will be living on base housing and I am scared for that.  I have heard some horror stories, so I hope they are all false.  I did not have the best impression of base housing in FL, so I do hope it can be better.  I know our house will be small.  I know we will be cutting our square footage in at least half.  While I hate this, I can live with this.  I cannot live with a dirty place, moldy place, and everything else I have heard.  So Nick will be flying down here the first part of March to drive back to WA together.  We will drive to Dallas first, spend a few days and have Ashton's birthday party.  We will then drive to Denver and stay with his mom for a few days.  After that we still have around 20 hours so we will need a break then too.  It is over 40 hours of drive time!!  Did I mention we will be pulling a car behind our SUV?  Remember how much Ashton LOVES the car. . . not!!!  I will have the navy packers and movers come probably before Nick does and then they need 16 days to deliver.  I do not know the exact dates, but I hope they are wrong on 16 days.  We put in all the paper work for the move and housing, but have yet to hear anything.  Nick has been wanting me to come up there since pretty much he got there.  I did think we could make it work, but I guess not.  Apparently everyone else thought we would fail, which I don't think I like.  We do have our reasons for being separated, and they start and end with Caden.  He has three more doctor appointments before we move, if anything changes, I will not be moving.  I have stayed behind because of his health and I am sorry if people don't understand that.  Nick knows why we are still here and he understands.  Yes, we miss each other and are only moving together because we want to be together.  Anyways, I decided I could not do anymore after I threw my back out.  It was so much pain that all I could do was cry.  It was then that I realized I needed my husband's help.  I felt like God was hurting me to wake me up and get up to WA.  I have been praying for guidance and I feel like this was my wake up call.  I am sad to be leaving the place that I consider home.  We had our first real house here.  Caden pretty much has grown up here as well as Ashton being born here.  I love the friends I have made through church, especially Sarah.  She has really been the best friend to me I needed.  She has been here for me and I do not know if I will ever find a friend like her again.  We have so much in common it is scary.  I don't really want to find a friend like her, because I don't want to replace her, I just want her to move to CA!!!! (hint hint hint Sarah!!!)  I love that this is the first place that Nick and I agreed on a religion and a church that we both loved.  I love how involved I have become with that church.  I love that Caden loves going to church and school here.  I love how Ashton can socialize in the church, even though I think he cries through most of it! : )  I love how much we have explored here.  I love all the festivals we have been to here.  I love how much I hated it and still believe it is country, but am so sad to say goodbye to it.  I am pretty sure I could have made this two separate posts, but I am sure there will be another goodbye one.  I know I forgetting something important about the move or what I love, but I can't think through the tears.  Post and Carry on with the rest of your day.       

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